5-Step Guide to Curing Piles

Piles, or hemorrhoids, are a prevalent health condition that troubles millions of people across the globe. Though embarrassing and painful, piles can be cured using proven methods. In this blog, Dr. Shambhav Chandra, a well-known proctologist, presents his 5-step guide to curing piles.

Step 1: Dietary Changes

High fiber intake is necessary in the prevention and treatment of piles. Eat foods that are high in fiber like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Avoid spicy and processed foods, which can worsen the condition.

Step 2: Hydration and Exercise

Proper hydration and exercise on a regular basis can prevent constipation, one of the most common causes of piles. Have plenty of water during the day and do exercises like walking, jogging, or yoga.

Step 3: Sitz Baths and Warm Compresses

Sitz baths and warm compresses can help reduce pain and inflammation associated with piles. Soak in a warm bath for 15-20 minutes, 2-3 times a day, and apply a warm compress to the affected area.

Step 4: Medications and Creams

Over-the-counter drugs and creams may ease the symptoms of piles. But a doctor’s advice should be sought before taking any drug. According to Dr. Shambhav Chandra, drugs and creams must be used under a doctor’s monitoring.

Step 5: Surgical Intervention (If Necessary)

In advanced cases of piles, surgical treatment is required. Dr. Shambhav Chandra is an expert in minimally invasive surgical techniques for piles such as stapler surgery and laser surgery. If you have severe symptoms, get in touch with Dr. Chandra for expert guidance and treatment.


Treatment of piles involves a multifaceted solution that includes diet modification, drinking plenty of fluids, exercise, sitz baths, and drugs. Surgery might be needed in extreme situations. By taking these 5 steps and seeking Dr. Shambhav Chandra’s help, you can successfully treat piles and return to a healthy pain-free lifestyle.

About the Author:

Dr. Shambhav Chandra is an experienced proctologist with extensive years of experience in treating piles and various other disorders of the anorectal region. He is committed to offering customized care and expert treatment to all his patients.

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